Rainier Custom Homes

Please choose a time from the calendar of the person you are working with.

    • Meeting to Collaborate

      1 hour

      Thank you for your interest in working with Rainier Custom Homes. From our available times and dates below, please choose the time and date that best works for you. Then choose ONE location when prompted. If in person, enter the a ...

    • PreCon Conference Call

      45 minutes

      From the available schedule below, please choose the best time and date for you to join use on a conference call to line out our Pre-Construction Game Plan.

    • PreCon Meeting to Collaborate

      1 hour

      Thank you for your interest in working with Rainier Custom Homes. From our available times and dates below, please choose the time and date that best works for you. Then choose ONE location when prompted. If in person, enter the a ...

    • Pre-Con Weekly Talking Points

      30 minutes

      This is your weekly meeting with the Pre-Construction team to coordinate on your job and give you face to face updates on your project. Please fill out the form and we'll see you soon! Keep in mind that this meeting will eventually inc ...

    • Virtual Meeting to Collaborate

      1 hour

      From our available times and dates below, please choose the time and date that best works for you. This will be a virtual meeting over Microsoft Teams. We look forward to our meeting.

    • Pre-Construction Project Review

      1 hour

      We are excited to welcome you to our office to discuss your project. We feel that our time would be more productive in person with the whole project team.
      Our address is: 451 SW TENTH ST, Unit 105 Renton WA, 98057

    • Nevin - Discovery Conference Call

      45 minutes

    • Jason - Discovery Conference Call

      45 minutes

    • Nevin - Site Survey and In Person Meeting

      1 hour

      Please select a good time and date from the available schedule showing below for us to meet in person and walk the project site together.

    • Jason A - Site Survey and In Person Meeting

      1 hour

      Please select a good time and date from the available schedule showing below for us to meet in person and walk the project site together.

    Internal Meetings

    • Discovery to Pre-Con Project Turnover Conference Call

      30 minutes

      RCH has been awarded a new project. Please set a time and date from the available times show below to schedule a webinar for the Project Coordinator to review the project with the Pre-Construction Manager.

    • Pre-Con to Build Team Project Turnover Conference Call

      45 minutes

      The Pre-Construction Phase is almost complete on a new project. Please set a time and date from the available times show below to schedule a webcast for the Project Superintendent to review the project with the Pre-Construction Manager ...

    • Pre-Con and Build Cost Planning and Scope Project Review

      30 minutes

      Internal meeting between the Pre-Con team and the assigned PM/SI to go over the budget and scope of the project before RFP's go out. This is to help determine who the RFP's go to.