Please select the type of session and the time you would like to book below. All non-US calls must be through Skype or another online Voice-Chat service (Signal, Google Hangouts, etc.).

  • Coaching

    • Coaching 30 Minute Session

      30 minutes @ $35.00

      You have already had a sample coaching session, decided that we're a good fit, and are ready to book a(nother) full 30-minute coaching session, fully confidential, as part of a client-coach relationship. Thank you for your trust, and pl ...

    • Coaching 60 Minute Session

      1 hour @ $70.00

      You have already had a sample coaching session, decided that we're a good fit, and are ready to book a(nother) full 60-minute coaching session, fully confidential, as part of a client-coach relationship. Thank you for your trust, and pl ...

    Intake Sessions

    • Coaching Sample Session

      30 minutes

      This call is for a 30 minute sample real coaching session, fully confidential, to help you determine whether we are a good fit and if you'd like to pursue a client-coach relationship. We will not pressure into purchasing, it's against o ...

    • Informational Call

      30 minutes

      This is a purely informational call in case you're not sure what program(s) would be best for you, or you wish to discuss your needs and what program(s) would be the best fit for you (or a loved one).

    • MHANYS Program Pre-Session Meeting

      45 minutes

      This call is a brief introduction and going over paperwork & agreements for either of the MHANY's programs we offer. We will talk about program expectations and schedule, and you'll get to meet the program coach and decide whether you' ...

    • Consulting Sample Session

      30 minutes

      This call is for a 30-minute professional consulting session to determine whether we are a good fit for further paid consulting. This appointment is fully confidential, to help you determine whether we are a good fit and if you'd like t ...

    Prepaid Coaching Sessions

    • Coaching 30 Minute Session (Prepaid)

      30 minutes

      This is a 30-minute session for folk who have pre-paid for sessions.

    • Coaching 1 Hour Session (Prepaid)

      1 hour

      This is a special 1-hour session for folk who have pre-paid for longer sessions.