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Classic style cuts using Clipper numbers 1-4 blended and/or scissor trim. Price based on regularly maintained haircuts.
Extra $ for over-grown and restyle long to short. . - Mens SKIN FADE
From $55. All undercuts and/or blended haircuts that are faded down to 0 zero in length. Please select correct appointment type. $55 Price is based on regular maintenance. Extra $ for Longer grown-out hair needing a restyle of your ski ...
- Kids / School - SKIN FADE $40
All undercuts and/or blended hairstyles that are faded to skin/ zero in length require a little extra time and detail, extra $ for overgrown hair needing a restyle.
- Kids / School classic cut - From $35 (1-4 back and sides)
$35 (1-4 short back and sides/scissors only— Not Skin Fades)
- Skin Fade + Beard line-up
Hair cut faded down to skin/zero followed by a sharpen up of the beard shape. Lined up and clean shaven with razor.
- Haircut + Full Face Hot-Towel shave
From $75 Classic short back & sides followed by a full face Hot Towel, lather + cut-throat shave.
(Extra $ for a skin fade ) - Classic Haircut + Beard Line-up
From $75 Scissor/Clipper short back & sides + Beard clean up service.Hot towel, Clipper tidy with blade shape and line-up.
Extra $ for a skin fade. - Beard Tidy +Line-up only
Clipper tidy and shape-up of your beard with the Hot towel, lather and razor lineup to finish.
Please select correct service from menu for haircut + Beard together - Crew cut / Buzz cut all over head + Beard line up
No skin fade. Clipper only cut plus beard tidy COMBO - (1-4 ) all over entire head, no blending to scissors. Just a quick buzz cut and then a beard razor line-up, freshen up. Extra $ for skin fades ## … Please select correct hair +bea ...
- Buzz cut/clipper-only head shave From $20
No skin fades. This price is for the quickie only. ( numbers 1-4 ) All-over Head shave with clippers ONLY. No skin fades. No scissors. No half haircuts, no blends just the super easy, zippy, old fashioned, quick buzz-cut. Get you in ...