- Student Lounge
1 hour
THE STUDENT LOUNGE IS FOR AFFILIATED CLUBS AND STUDENT GROUP ONLY **For outside groups please contact us directly** If you are wanting to book a spot over the Lunch period, please email your request clubs.pn@tetiraahupae.ac.nz AV sy ...
- Meat BBQ and cleaning equipment
3 hours
4 burner BBQ with basic cooking utensils and cleaning supplies.
*A 6 burner is available on request to clubs.pn@tetiraahupae.ac.nz - Veggie BBQ and cleaning equipment
3 hours
This BBQ is for Vegetarian food ONLY!
4 Burner BBQ with cooking utensils and cleaning supplies. - Hot Water Urns
2 hours
These are to only have Water in them (no tea, Coffee, Milo ect)
Te Tira Ahu Pae has a total of two 5L urns available. - EFTPOS 1
5 hours
Eftpos machines available to hire for Affiliated Student clubs or Student Groups ONLY!
- Digital Camera
4 hours
Digital camera and carry case.
*2 cameras are available to hire
Components (camera, camera strap, SD card, charger, battery, spare battery, lens cover, cloth)