Thank you for scheduling an appointment with Family First Financial Planning. If you are new to the firm, we offer two ways to learn about our services at no charge. You can book a brief phone call (15 minutes) or book a Get Acquainted Meeting (30 minutes).

Current clients can also book to meet with us using the Existing Client link.

If later appointments or Saturday appointments are needed please contact the firm directly.

We have two financial planners in the firm who work closely together. Peter Bobolia, CFP®, ChFC® is available for new and existing clients who would like to meet in person or phone/video chat in Stuart or Palm Beach County (Jupiter, West Palm Beach, or Boynton offices available). Peter can also work with new clients in states outside of Florida where allowed by client's state, and confirmed by firm.

Leslie Trowbridge, CFP®, founder, is only taking new clients in Georgia, or clients who have been referred to her from existing clients or referral sources. Please select the scheduling link for Georgia/referred clients to schedule an initial phone call. Existing clients may schedule also using the Existing Client link.

    • Initial Brief Phone Inquiry to Learn About Firm's Services with Peter Bobolia, CFP®, ChFC®

      15 minutes

    • Phone/Video Chat Get Acquainted Meeting with Peter Bobolia, CFP®, ChFC®

      30 minutes

    • In Person Get Acquainted Meeting with Peter Bobolia, CFP®, ChFC®

      30 minutes

    • Georgia Residents or Referred by Existing client, Brief Intro Call with Leslie Trowbridge, CFP®

      15 minutes

    • Existing Clients Only - One hour meeting for review or plan presentation. You will select planner on next page.

      1 hour