OTB Studios

If you need an assistance or have any questions please call our office.

Office times: Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Office: 07700141700

  • 1. Enquiry sales call

    • Introduction Call

      15 minutes

      We believe in building strong and lasting relationships with our clients at OTB Studios. So as part of our commitment to providing exceptional service, we offer free introduction calls. These calls are designed to gain a comprehensive u ...

    2. Strategy Consultation

    • Free 15 Minute Strategy Call

      15 minutes

      Speak about your business and getting your products made. Get answers quickly and get pointed in the right direction.

    • Book a Strategy call

      45 minutes @ £20.00

      Speak with us about your project. Use UK or Overseas manufacturers? The pros & cons? Strategy: Pre Orders Vs Inventory? Bespoke or blanks? Discuss at length your design ideas, quantities, which blank products to use, prices for vario ...

    3. Design Consultations

    • Design consultation

      30 minutes @ £25.00

      Our graphic designers and illustrators are professionals at creating professional logos, designs & preparing specifications to ensure you get quotes from manufacturers and producers efficiently -quickly getting you started. You can wor ...

    • Design consultation

      1 hour @ £50.00

      Our graphic designers and illustrators are professionals at creating professional logos, designs & preparing specifications to ensure you get quotes from manufacturers and producers efficiently -quickly getting you started. You can wor ...

    4. Production Consultations

    • Production Consultation

      30 minutes @ £20.00

      Get an insight into the production process. Discuss your project vision in detail with a specialist - with us as your guide, in our One on One consultation. We will do our best to advise you on production methods, printing methods, pr ...

    • Production Consultation

      1 hour @ £30.00

      One on One consultation, get an insight into the production process. Discuss your project vision in detail with a specialist - with us as your guide. We will do our best to advise you on production methods, printing processes, stickin ...