- Revival Growth Drops
5 minutes @ $25.00
Made with a variety of herbs and oils for your overall scalp maintenance... All natural hair growth oil that combats dandruff, wake up sleeping follicles, stimulates scalp, mends split ends, nourishes dry tight scalp, DHT BLOCKER, pr ...
- Butt Enhancement
1 hour @ $125.00
Uses vacuum therapy, radio frequency to build collagen and mobilize fat cells in desired area while gradually lifting and plumping the buttocks... *** This procedure is permanent; however, this therapy could require 6 to 12 sessions to ...
- Hour Glass Session
1 hour 15 minutes @ $165.00
This treatment includes the combination of Vacuum Therapy, Laser Lipo, Lipo Cavitation, and/or wood therapy (as needed) to the back arch for a more contoured waist... THIS SERVICE DOES NOT COVER THE STOMACH AREA OR FULL BACK.......... O ...
- Hour Glass Session
2 hours @ $250.00
This treatment is a combination of Vacuum Therapy, Laser Lipo, Lipo Cavitation, and/or Wood Therapy (as needed) to the back arch for a more contoured waist... THIS SERVICE DOES NOT COVER THE STOMACH AREA OR FULL BACK........... ONLY THE ...
- Breast Lift
30 minutes @ $70.00
A Non-Surgical treatment that lifts or enhances the breast to fuller, perkier and tighten loose sagging skin around the breast. NO DOWNTIME!!! For clients with small or medium-sized breasts.
- Breast Lift
45 minutes @ $100.00
A Non-Surgical Treatment that lifts and enhance the breast making them fuller, perkier, and tighten loose skin around the breast. NO DOWNTIME!!! This is for persons with small to medium sized breast.
- Breast Lift
1 hour @ $130.00
A Non-Surgical Treatment that lifts, tones and enhance the breast making them fuller, perkier and tightens loose skin around the breast. NO DOWNTIME!!! This is for persons with small to medium sized breasts.
- Cellulite Treatment (Back and Outer Thigh)
1 hour @ $150.00
This procedure treats the front and inner thighs. It combines Vacuum Therapy, Wood Therapy and Radio Frequency to break apart the dimpling appearance caused by cellulite and it also stimulates collagen production. THIS IS ONLY FOR BACK ...
- Cellulite Treatment (Front and Inner Thighs)
1 hour @ $150.00
This procedure treats the front of legs and inner thighs... It combines Vacuum Therapy, Wood Therapy and Radio Frequency to help break apart the dimpling appearance caused by cellulite and it also stimulates collagen production...
- Sauna Detox Blanket
30 minutes @ $50.00
The detox blanket can be paired with all services with the exception of BBL and HOUR GLASS SESSION... Detox blanket helps, improve immunity, enhance metabolism, burns calories, and help jump start results following, Lipo Cavitation, Las ...
- Sauna Detox Blanket
45 minutes @ $75.00
Infrared Sauna Blanket that detox and rid the body of toxins and body fat!!! Can burn up to 600 - 1200 calories in just 1 session depending on the time you choose!!! Sauna Wraps aids in body detoxification, relieves pain, weight loss, i ...
- Sauna Detox Blanket
1 hour @ $90.00
Infrared Sauna Blanket that detox and rid the body of toxins and body fat!!! Can burn up to 600 - 1200 calories in just 1 session depending on the time you choose!!! Sauna Blanket aids in body detoxification, relieves pain, weight loss, ...
- Sauna Detox Blanket
1 hour 30 minutes @ $115.00
Infrared Sauna Blanket that detox and rid the body of toxins and body fat!!! Can burn up to 600 - 1200 calories in just 1 session depending on the time you choose!!! Sauna Blanket aids in body detoxification, relieves pain, weight loss, ...
- Fat Slimming Cream
30 minutes @ $45.00
100% ALL NATURAL fat burning thermogenic cream that promotes thermogenesis causing the body to become a fat burning machine!!!... It burns and melts fat, releases toxins, tightens and tones skin, reduce cellulite, reduce stretch marks, ...
- Wrap On The Go!!!
10 minutes @ $25.00
Thermogenic Slimming Gel that generates heat(thermogenesis) to stimulate and help burn body fat and eliminate unwanted body fat. This treatment is paired with Laser Lipo, Lipo Cavitation, RF Skin Tightening, Cellulite Treatments and Det ...
- Laser Lipo (Fat Melting)
1 hour 30 minutes @ $145.00
Laser Liposuction is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses a laser to melt away fat under the skin... This procedure does not contour; however, it is for overall fat reduction of a specific area...
- Laser Lipo (Fat Melting)
1 hour @ $120.00
Laser Lipo is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses a laser to melt away fat under the skin... This procedure does not contour; however, it is for overall fat reduction of a specific area...
- Laser Lipo (Fat Melting)
45 minutes @ $90.00
Laser Lipo is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that uses a laser to melt away fat under the skin... This procedure does not contour; however, it is for overall fat reduction of a specific area...
- Lipo Cavitation/Radio Frequency/Vacuum Therapy
1 hour 30 minutes @ $185.00
Lipo Cavitation breaks down and empty out unwanted fat cells that is liquified through ultrasonic soundwaves that is released through the lymphatic system or urinary tract. can be done on the upper/lower abs, upper/under arms, inner thi ...
- Lipo Cavitation/Radio Frequency/Vacuum Theraphy
1 hour 15 minutes @ $145.00
Lipo Cavitation breaks down and empties out unwanted fat cells that is liquified through ultrasonic sound waves that is released through the lymphatic system or urinary tract. Can be done on abs, upper arms, back arms, inner thighs, out ...
- Lipo Cavitation/Radio Frequency/Vacuum Theraphy
1 hour @ $120.00
Lipo Cavitation breaks down and empty out unwanted fat cells that is liquified through ultrasonic sound waves that is released through the lymphatic system or urinary tract. Can be done on the abs, upper arms, back arms, inner thighs, ...
- Lipo Cavitation/Radio Frequency/Vacuum Theraphy
45 minutes @ $85.00
Lipo Cavitation breaks down and empty out unwanted fat cells that is liquified through ultrasonic sound waves that is released through the lymphatic system or urinary tract. Can be done on the abs, upper arms, back arms, inner thighs, o ...
- Needleless Fat Dissolving Cocktail (Must be scheduled with Lipo Cavitation and/or Laser Lipo
30 minutes @ $100.00
This special cocktail is designed to breakdown those stubborn areas of fat. This treatment breaks down stubborn localized fat is called Lipolysis. This service can be used on the stomach, arms, chin, love handles, back fat, front and ba ...
- Needleless Butt Injections/Hour Glass Session
2 hours @ $250.00
This is a needless butt injection done with a hylaron pen that injects butt enhancement solution into the buttocks and hips. It produces lifting, firming and plumping. It visibly improves firmness at the skin level and muscular level of ...
- Needless Butt Injection/BBL Butt Enhancement
1 hour 30 minutes @ $175.00
This a non-surgical treatment that will increase volume, reduce the appearance of cellulite, tone and firm buttocks. Wood therapy, vacuum therapy and suction cups to build collagen and mobilize fat cells in desired area while gradually ...
- Needless Butt Injection/Vaccum Therapy
30 minutes @ $100.00
Needless butt injections that uses hylaronic acid with hylaronic pen to inject butt enhancement solution into the buttocks and hips.
- Needless Butt injection (ONLY) (5 SESSIONS)
30 minutes @ $450.00
- Elastic Body Waist Trainer Belt
10 minutes @ $40.00
- Two Strand Twist(Natutal Hair)
45 minutes @ $75.00
- Crochet(Locs/Senegalese Twists/Box Braids)
1 hour 20 minutes @ $100.00
- Relaxer Retouch/Basic Style
2 hours @ $120.00
Includes trim and flat iron/Basic roller set
- Crown Hilites/Style
2 hours @ $100.00
Hilites in Crown area ONLY with basic styling(flat iron/roller set)
- Virgin Relaxer/Basic Style/Cut
2 hours @ $200.00
Prices subject to change depending on length of hair and style requested
- Color per hair bundles
1 hour @ $35.00
- Full Head Hilites/Basic Styling/Trim
1 hour 40 minutes @ $160.00
- Wave Nouveau(Jerry Curl)
1 hour 30 minutes @ $100.00
- Whole HeadColor/Style
1 hour 20 minutes @ $150.00
- Whole Head Color (ONLY)
1 hour @ $80.00
- Color(Crown Only)
1 hour @ $55.00
- Crown Color/Style
1 hour 30 minutes @ $100.00
- Full Head Hilites (2 Colors/Basic Styling/Trim
2 hours @ $245.00
- Double Process Color(ONLY)
2 hours @ $175.00
EARresistables by CHERRII DWAN
- "Laiya"
5 minutes @ $12.00
- "Caylei"
5 minutes @ $12.00
- "Blaisyn"
5 minutes @ $12.00
- "Doryi"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Lynsi"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Armi"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Parys"
5 minutes @ $12.00
- "Denym"
5 minutes @ $12.00
- "Joi"
5 minutes @ $12.00
- "Freedom"
5 minutes @ $12.00
- "Power"
5 minutes @ $12.00
- "Loyalty"
5 minutes @ $12.00
- "Zion"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Liberty"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Authority"
5 minutes @ $12.00
- "Harlym"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Raye"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Rachel"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Lea"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Divine"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Merci"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Warrior"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Synthia"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Raevyn"
5 minutes @ $15.00
- "Cammi"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Bayli"
5 minutes @ $15.00
- "Dynlei"
5 minutes @ $10.00
- "Monyca"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Lauryn"
5 minutes @ $15.00
- "Nidya"
5 minutes @ $25.00
- "Kayslei"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Sarai"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Kaila"
5 minutes @ $15.00
- "Kamryn"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Myndi"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Jazmyne"
5 minutes @ $20.00
- "Rachel Trio"
5 minutes @ $50.00
- "Lea Trio"
5 minutes @ $50.00
- "Divine Trio"
5 minutes @ $50.00
- Cluster Eyelashes
1 hour @ $35.00
- Strip Eyelashes
30 minutes @ $25.00
- Full Set Eyelash Extensions
2 hours @ $150.00
- Eyelash Extensions Refill
1 hour @ $45.00
2 weeks!!!
- Hair Cut/Trim
20 minutes @ $25.00
- Basic Quick Weave w/leave out
2 hours 20 minutes @ $125.00
2 pk of "The Purple Pack" hair
- Closure Quick Weave
2 hours @ $145.00
NOTE: This does not include closure customization!!!... You must add this service if needed at checkout!!!
- Illusion Part Quick Weave
2 hours 10 minutes @ $160.00
No Hair is left out...
- Traditional Sew In
2 hours 15 minutes @ $200.00
A sew in with hair left out...
- Closure Sew In
2 hours 40 minutes @ $245.00
Does not include closure customization!!!... Must add on at checkout!!!...
- Unit Install(ONLY)
1 hour @ $80.00
This service includes installing the unit ONLY with a braid down and basic styling...
- Shampoo Sew Install/Basic Styling
3 hours @ $120.00
Shampoo/condition extensions with basic styling...
- 27 Piece Quick Weave
2 hours @ $120.00
- Half Up Half Down Quick Weave
2 hours @ $120.00
- Microlink Extensions (1 Bundle)
3 hours @ $500.00
1 bundle of microlinks installed for fullness and added length...
- Microlink Extensions (2 Bundles)
3 hours @ $750.00
2 bundles of microlink extensions added for fullness, volume and length...
- Microlink Extensions (3 or More Bundles)
3 hours @ $1,000.00
3 or more bundles of microlink extensions added for fullness, volume and length...
- Tape In Extensions
2 hours @ $300.00
Starts at $200 & up...
- Hair Clip-Ins Install/Style
1 hour 30 minutes @ $120.00
Starts at $120!!!... Hair is shampooed, braided and styled...
- Hair Clip-Ins Maintenance
1 hour 30 minutes @ $85.00
Starts at $85 & Up depending on what needs to be done... Hair will be shampooed, installed and styled
- Silk Press(Flat Iron)
1 hour @ $90.00
- Roller Wrap
1 hour @ $65.00
- Basic Rollerset
1 hour @ $45.00
- Krimps
2 hours @ $85.00
- Wand Curls
1 hour @ $85.00
- Basic Curling
30 minutes @ $50.00
Curling your natural hair with a big barrel/medium barrel curling iron to give the hair body on already clean hair... No shampooing!!!
- Extended Ponytail
1 hour @ $80.00
- Braided Extended Ponytail
1 hour @ $70.00
- Spiral Curls(Natural Hair)
1 hour 30 minutes @ $85.00
- Spiral Curls(Relaxed)
1 hour 30 minutes @ $70.00
- Two Strand Twists
2 hours @ $80.00
Single plaits two strand twisted
- Flexi Rods
2 hours @ $80.00
- Straw Curls
2 hours @ $100.00
- Silk Press(Flat Iron) & Trim
1 hour 30 minutes @ $115.00
- Starter Dreads
1 hour 30 minutes @ $85.00
Twist done with a comb...
- Loc Retwist(ONLY)
1 hour 30 minutes @ $80.00
- Loc Extensions (Medium/Large)
9 hours 40 minutes @ $600.00
- Loc Extensions (Small)
15 hours 40 minutes @ $950.00
Doesn't include hair!!!
- Loc Retwist/Style
3 hours @ $145.00
- Handmade Locs(Small)
6 hours 20 minutes @ $450.00
- Handmade Locs (Medium/Large)
6 hours 20 minutes @ $350.00
- Loc Coloring/Style
3 hours @ $225.00
- Instant Locs(Permanent Locs)
4 hours 40 minutes @ $185.00
- Loc Comb Out
6 hours 20 minutes @ $350.00
This is starting price... Prices vary depending on length/size...
- Faux Locs (Small)
5 hours @ $245.00
- Faux Locs (Medium)
5 hours @ $220.00
- Faux Locs (Large)
5 hours @ $185.00
- Loc Detox
30 minutes @ $35.00
- Scalp Massage
20 minutes @ $20.00
Stimulates the scalp, increase blood flow and promotes hair growth!!!
- Full Set (Short)
2 hours @ $30.00
Gel polish is applied...
- Refill (Short)
1 hour 45 minutes @ $25.00
Gel polish applied after fill... If you need to add for a broken nail, please select the add on...
- Refill (Short w/excessive rhinestones and designs)
1 hour 45 minutes @ $65.00
Short full set with excessive designs and rhinestones!!!... Every finger is designed!!!... If you need to repair a nail in appointment, please add the add on with your appointment...
- Refill (Short) w/4 finger designs or 4 finger rhinestones
2 hours @ $50.00
A refill with 4 finger designs or 4 finger rhinestones with gel polish applied... ONLY 5 fingers will be either designed or a rhinestones applied while other 5 fingers will have gel polish of your choice applied... If you need to repair ...
- Full Set (Medium Length)
2 hours @ $40.00
Medium full set with gel polish applied...
- Refill (Medium)
2 hours @ $30.00
Gel polish is applied... If you need to repair a broken nail, please add the add on to your appointment...
- Refill (Medium w/4 finger designs or 4 finger rhinstone)
2 hours @ $55.00
Medium fill with either 4 fingers being designed or 4 finger rhinestone design while other fingers have gel polish applied... If you need to repair a nail please add the add on to your appointment...
- Starts at $60 & Up... Refill (Medium w/excessive rhinestones and designs)
2 hours @ $60.00
Medium fill with excessive rhinestones and/or designs... Every finger is designed or has rhinestones... If you need to repair a nail please add the add on to your appointment...
- Full Set (Long)
2 hours @ $50.00
Long set done with gel polish applied...
- Refill (Long)
2 hours @ $40.00
A medium fill with gel polish applied... If you need to repair a nail with your appointment please add the add on...
- Refill (Long w/4 finger design or 4 finger rhinestone)
2 hours @ $55.00
Long fill with either 4 fingers designed or 4 fingers with rhinestones while other 5 fingers have gel polish of your choice applied... If you need to repair a nail in your appointment please add the add on to your appointment...
- Refill (Long w/excessive rhinestones and designs)
2 hours @ $95.00
Long fill with rhinestones and designs applied... If you need to repair a nail in your appointment please add the add on to your appointment...
- Full Set (XLong)
2 hours @ $65.00
Extra long full set with gel polish applied...
- Refill (XL Long)
2 hours @ $45.00
A XL fill with gel polish applied... If you need to repair a nail in your appointment please add the add on to your appointment...
- Refill (XLong w/4 finger designs or 4 finger rhinsetones)
2 hours @ $100.00
XLong fill with either 4 nails designed or 4 rhinestone nails while other 5 fingers have gel polish applied of your choice... If you need to repair a nail in your appointment please add the add on to your appointment...
- Refill (XLong w/excessive rhinestones and designs)
2 hours @ $150.00
XLong fill with every nail filled with rhinestones and designs... If you need to repair a nail in your appointment please add the add on to your appointment...
- Repair Broken Nail
15 minutes @ $5.00
- Soak Off Nails
1 hour @ $20.00
- Natural Nail Overlay
1 hour 30 minutes @ $35.00
Acrylic placed on natural nail with gel polish applied...
- Natural Nail Overlay w/4 finger designs or 4 finger rhinestones
2 hours @ $45.00
Acrylic applied to nails(NO TIPS) with designs on 4 fingers or rhinestones on 4 fingers while gel polish is applied to other 4 fingers...
- Natural Nail Overlay w/excessive rhinestones and designs
2 hours @ $65.00
Acrylic applied to natural nails(NO TIPS) with rhinestone design and/or nail designs on every nail...
- (3 Day Supply)
10 minutes @ $20.00
All natural Fat Burning Detox that burns fat, helps with inflammation, helps with fluid retention, energizing, helps with IBS... Comes in different flavors!!!... Drink 1 (16oz) on an empty stomach in the morning and 1 (16oz) on an empty ...
- (5 Day Supply)
10 minutes @ $30.00
All natural Fat Burning Detox that burns fat, helps with inflammation, helps with fluid retention, energizing, helps with IBS... Comes in different flavors!!!... Drink 1 (8oz) on an empty stomach in the morning and 1 (8oz) on an empty s ...
- (7 Day Supply)
10 minutes @ $40.00
All natural Fat Burning Detox that burns fat, helps with inflammation, helps with fluid retention, energizing, helps with IBS... Comes in different flavors!!!... Drink 1 (8oz) on an empty stomach in the morning and 1 (8oz) on an empty s ...
- (1/2 Gallon)
10 minutes @ $58.00
All natural Fat Burning Detox that burns fat, helps with inflammation, helps with fluid retention, energizing, helps with IBS... Comes in different flavors!!!... Drink 1 (8oz) on an empty stomach in the morning and 1 (8oz) on an empty s ...
- (Gallon)
10 minutes @ $125.00
All natural Fat Burning Detox that burns fat, helps with inflammation, helps with fluid retention, energizing, helps with IBS... Comes in different flavors!!!... Drink 1 (8oz) on an empty stomach in the morning and 1 (8oz) on an empty s ...
- 12" "14" "16"
30 minutes @ $180.00
- 12" "14" "16" w/closure
30 minutes @ $235.00
- 14" 16" 18"
30 minutes @ $195.00
- 14" 16" 18" w/closure
30 minutes @ $245.00
- 16" 18" 20"
30 minutes @ $210.00
- 16" 18" 20" w/closure
30 minutes @ $265.00
- 18" 20" 22"
30 minutes @ $225.00
- 18" 20" 22" w/closure
30 minutes @ $275.00
- 20" 22" 24"
30 minutes @ $240.00
- 20" 22" 24" w/closure
30 minutes @ $295.00
- 22" 24" 26"
30 minutes @ $255.00
- 22" 24" 26" w/closure
30 minutes @ $315.00
- 24" 26" 28"
30 minutes @ $270.00
- 24" 26" 28" w/closure
30 minutes @ $335.00
- 26" 28" 30"
30 minutes @ $285.00
- 26" 28" 30" w/closure
30 minutes @ $355.00
- Traveling 20-40 miles
1 hour @ $40.00
- Traveling 40-60 miles
1 hour 40 minutes @ $60.00
- Traveling 60 or 75
2 hours @ $100.00
- Keratin Treatment
2 hours @ $170.00
Starting price!!!... Price will vary with the length of your hair!!!... Can last 2-3 months with proper maintenance!!!...
- Protein Treatment
25 minutes @ $25.00
Strengthening treatment for dry, brittle and broken hair...
- Conditioning Steam Treatment
30 minutes @ $45.00
Moisturizing/protein treatment placed in the hair and seated under a steamer... The steam opens the follicles and penetrate the hair shaft and sealing the cuticles for shiny moisturized hair... Also it reduces the appearance of split en ...
- Thickii Thiick Butt Enhancement Oil(4 oz)
10 minutes @ $35.00
Increase butt and hip area naturally!!!
- Thickii Thiick Butt Enhancement Oil (8oz)
10 minutes @ $48.00
Naturally increase butt and hip area...