Welcome to the UWSOM Tutoring page organized by Academic Support.
Group, Individual and Drop-In tutoring is available for all students to support their learning in courses/clerkships/licensing exams and are led by medical students who have mastered the content and are excited about helping fellow students. All tutoring is accessible via zoom!
Group Sessions:
Group sessions for Foundations courses are offered to all students across the WWAMI region once a week for an hour on Tuesdays starting at 7:30 pm MT/6:30 pm PT/5:30 pm AK. These sessions are recorded. The recordings are posted 1-2 business days after the session is held.
Drop-In Tutoring:
Think of it as "tutor office hours" where 1-2 tutors are present to answer your questions. Just show up! You don't need to register but you can if you'd like the email reminders. These sessions are not recorded.
Individual Appointments:
Individual tutoring appointments are offered on an as-needed basis. All individual tutoring appointments are one hour and when scheduling, you can book with a particular tutor or you can book with "any available" tutor to maximize the available appointment times. Please consider attending Group and Drop-in sessions first and if more help is needed then schedule an individual tutoring sessions. Students may sign up for up to 1 individual session per week. If more tutoring is needed, please talk with your learning specialist.
Cancellation and No-Shows:
We ask that if you need to cancel please do so >24 hours in advance through the acuity scheduling link sent to your email. A late cancellation or missed appointment adds stress to our tutors and is a missed opportunity for another student who needs support from our tutors.
Questions about the Tutoring Program? email: somlearn@uw.edu
Difficulties accessing tutoring? Let us know here: https://forms.office.com/r/uREX7X5kpv