For your safety and ours, it is important that we adhere to CDC guidelines. The following mandatory policies will go in effect immediately.
Please fill out your appropriate intake forms no less than 24 hrs before arriving for service.
Yoni Steam
Covid Release form (This is MANDATORY for all Appointments)
Body work
- All services are by appointment only absolutely NO walk ins.
- An appt is NOT CONFIRMED until AFTER confirmation call or email from Wombmenthings Staff.
- Our Body Treatments/ Services require that you are properly hydrated for best results.
- Upon booking appt please take a moment to fill out your intake forms and COVID-19 screening and waiver, these waiver have to be filled out before arriving for service.
- Please arrive no more than 10mins before your appt time as we are using the time between appoints to allow proper sanitizing and disinfecting in between clients.
- Your temperature will be taken at time of service, if it’s elevated your appt will be rescheduled, NO EXCEPTIONS.
- You will also be asked Health screening questions before your service starts.
- Wash/Sanitize Your Hands upon entering the Studio. To prevent any spread, please be sure to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. We will also have hand sanitizer located throughout the studio
- Please do not bring any guests or children if they are not receiving service. NO EXCEPTIONS
- All Clients Must Wear a Mask When Entering The Wombmen Things Studio. Masks will also need to be worn throughout your service NO EXCEPTIONS
- If you are not feeling well or are showing the following signs (coughing, sneezing, sore throat, fever, experiencing a loss of smell or taste or flu like symptoms) then your app5 will need to be rescheduled.
- Please Keep 6-Feet Social Distance.
- If you are more than 15mins late without calling your appt will be rescheduled
- NO CALL/NO SHOW you will forfeit your service and a 50% (of the cost of service missed) A "NO SHOW FEE" WILL BE CHARGED TO YOUR CARD ON FILE
- Ample parking available
- All cancellations must be made 24 hrs before your scheduled service.
Please be aware that staff will be wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) through out the day.
For your safety, the studio is equipped with touch less sanitizer, soap and paper towel dispensers.
Hepa Air purifiers in every room