To create the safest possible environment for in-person classes and activities in the Fall Semester at Nebraska, UNL is using minimally invasive, COVID-19 saliva-based testing for UNL students, faculty, and staff.
If you have a mobile device, please download the Safer Community app and schedule your appointment through the app. This scheduling tool is available for those members of the campus community without app enabled mobile devices.
Appointments each day are limited to minimize wait time for participants, and scheduling is first come, first served. When making your appointment, you can select a location on City Campus, East Campus or Nebraska Innovation Campus. Each site will indicate if it is walk-up or drive-through testing. You can view a map of the testing locations here.
Please arrive 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment time and bring a photo ID (NCard, driver’s license, passport, etc.) and be prepared to provide your name and NU ID number. Test results will usually be back in around 24 hours.
Your results and building access pass, as applicable, will be accessible via the on-line portal. We have worked with UNL ITS to ensure that messages containing your results do not get caught up in the UNL spam filters and so you are encouraged to use your or e-mail address.