- Shop for something fun!
Hooray! We are happy to assist you to find exactly what you are looking for, whether it is something for yourself or a gift.
- Engagement Ring or Diamond Consultation
Ready to take the next step in your relationship? Or, looking to upgrade an existing diamond? We will walk you through the diamond selection process and discuss ring designs to help you find the perfect match!
- Wedding Band Consultation
- Custom Design Consultation
Whether you have a specific design in mine or need help brainstorming ideas, we are here for you!
- Repair Consultation
Do you have jewelry that needs to be repaired? Our goldsmiths can handle everything from sizing a ring to intricate refurbishments of vintage pieces. We will examine your jewelry to determine what needs to be done so that you can safel ...
- Estate, Consignment, or Gold Buying Consultation
Do you have jewelry you are interested in selling, or do you have an estate that needs to be evaluated? We buy gold and jewelry and also offer consignment services. Schedule this appointment if you are interested in selling your jewelry ...
- Appraisal Drop Off
We offer written insurance appraisals for $195 for the first piece and $150 for each additional piece. Please contact us to find out the current wait time (usually between 1-3 weeks depending on the current work load of our appraiser). ...
- Pick Up
Select this option if you are scheduling a time to pick up a completed repair or custom job.
- Other (30 minutes)
- Other (1 Hour)
Special Events
- Permanent Jewelry Appointment