30 minutes
This is a 30-minute appointment for students currently taking classes.
1 hour 30 minutes
This session is for current SMCC students pursuing the Nursing program. If you are a new/incoming student, visit and sign up for an Accepted Student Day for Pre-Nursing. The Accepted Student Day for Pre-Nursing session serves as both the admission requirement of Nursing Info Session and an Advising Session.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please arrive on time. Attendees who arrive 10 minutes late or more will not get credit for attending the information session.
45 minutes
This is a 45 minute appointment for International Students.
45 minutes
This is a 45 minute appointment for New Mainers.
45 minutes
This is a 45 minute appointment for New Mainers.
45 minutes
45 minutes
3 hours 30 minutes
Appointment opens two weeks prior to the scheduled testing session.
2 hours 30 minutes
45 minutes
This is an advising session for new/incoming SMCC students!
45 minutes
This is a 45 minute appointment for students who are newly accepted to SMCC. You will: meet one-to-one with a staff advisor; learn about navigating your student portal, MySMCC; review your degree requirements; and have time to ask your questions.
45 minutes
This is a 45 minute appointment for students who are newly accepted to SMCC. You will: meet one-to-one with a staff advisor; learn about navigating your student portal, MySMCC; review your degree requirements; and have time to ask your questions.
30 minutes
This is a 30-minute appointment for students currently taking classes. Use this link to schedule a meeting if: you have questions around supports outside of the classroom, SMCC resources, or changing your major.
Please connect with your faculty advisor (listed on My Maine Guide, My Degree, Academic Information) if you have questions around your degree, scheduling, career/industry connections, transferring, or registration.
30 minutes
This is a 30-minute appointment for students currently taking classes. Use this link to schedule a meeting if: you have questions around supports outside of the classroom, SMCC resources, or changing your major.
Please connect with your faculty advisor (listed on My Maine Guide, My Degree, Academic Information) if you have questions around your degree, scheduling, career/industry connections, transferring, or registration.
45 minutes
This session is for new and current Veterans and/or Dependent of a Veteran students who want to review their schedule and/or ask a few questions.
Please connect with me via phone, (207) 741-5926, or email, if you do not see a time that meets your needs.
45 minutes
This session is for new and current Veterans and/or Dependent of a Veteran students who want to review their schedule and/or ask a few questions. Please connect with me via phone, (207) 741-5926, or email, if you do not see a time that meets your needs.
1 hour
This is a 60 minute appointment for new/incoming students who are Veterans or a Dependent of a Veteran. Please connect with me via phone, (207) 741-5926, or email, if you do not see a time that meets your needs.
1 hour
This is a 60 minute appointment for new/incoming students who are Veterans or a Dependent of a Veteran. Please connect with me via phone, (207) 741-5926, or email, if you do not see a time that meets your needs.
Career & Transfer Services
30 minutes
This session is for students who know that they would like to transfer but are interested in exploring what their options are in terms of different 4-year schools and programs. Students should come prepared to discuss their academic and career goals so that a conversation can help them identify some schools that may be a good fit for their individual needs.
30 minutes
This session is for students who are interested in exploring their career options. This session can serve both students who know what career they are looking to embark on and are seeking support on how to get started in the field, as well as for students who are uncertain about what type of career they are interested in and are seeking support on how to explore their options.
30 minutes
This session is for students who know which school(s) they are looking to transfer to. Students may use this session to collaborate with Addie on making a checklist/timeline for their application material deadlines or to engage in a collaborative review of their application materials for feedback.
30 minutes
This session is for students who are preparing to submit job applications. Students should come prepared with a rough draft of their materials for a collaborative review and feedback process. Materials will be provided prior to the meeting to support students in creating their first drafts.
30 minutes
This session is for students who are preparing to submit job applications. Students should come prepared with a rough draft of their materials for a collaborative review and feedback process. Materials will be provided prior to the meeting to support students in creating their first drafts.
30 minutes
This session is for students who know which school(s) they are looking to transfer to. Students may use this session to collaborate with Addie on making a checklist/timeline for their application material deadlines or to engage in a collaborative review of their application materials for feedback.
30 minutes
This session is for students who are interested in exploring their career options. This session can serve both students who know what career they are looking to embark on and are seeking support on how to get started in the field, as well as for students who are uncertain about what type of career they are interested in and are seeking support on how to explore their options.
30 minutes
This session is for students who know that they would like to transfer but are interested in exploring what their options are in terms of different 4-year schools and programs. Students should come prepared to discuss their academic and career goals so that a conversation can help them identify some schools that may be a good fit for their individual needs.
CMCC Tutoring
One-on-one tutoring for CMCC students. Please email me at to let me know about cancelations.
30 minutes
Dual Enrollment
15 minutes
This is for instructors of ongoing courses ONLY
30 minutes
This is a chance for you to ask questions and get guidance.
EMST Department
1 hour
IT Help Desk
30 minutes
30 minutes
This session is for current JMG students to connect on how the semester is going and/or questions you might have. I am located in the Advising Office located in the Campus Center.
30 minutes
This session is for current JMG students to connect on how the semester is going and/or questions you might have.
45 minutes
This session is for students to connect on how the semester is going and/or questions you might have. I am located in the Welcome Center located in the Campus Center at 2 Fort Road, South Portland, ME.
45 minutes
This session is for students to connect on how the semester is going and/or questions you might have.
1 hour
This session is for new and current SMCC students who want to specifically review and/or plan their schedule for next semester. I am located in the Advising Office located in the Campus Center at 2 Fort Road, South Portland, ME.
1 hour
This session is for new and current SMCC students who want to specifically review and/or plan their schedule for next semester.
1 hour 30 minutes
This is a 90 minute appointment for new/incoming students attending SMCC. I am located in the Welcome Center located in the Campus Center at 2 Fort Road, South Portland, ME.
1 hour 30 minutes
This is a 90 minute appointment for new/incoming students attending SMCC.
Online Learning
30 minutes
Please use this service to book time to meet 1-1 with an online learning team member for course consultation, technical support, or training. The online learning office supports Brightspace, Panopto, Remote Proctoring, Plagiarism tools, Publisher platforms, and the Google Suite.
30 minutes
Students can use this service to book time to meet 1-1 with an online learning team member to receive assistance with online learning.
Research & Reference (MidCoast)
30 minutes
Most users need this option. Please select this option for quick help, like locating an article or polishing your citations.
1 hour
Please select this option for more in-depth projects, like selecting several articles or creating citations from scratch.
Research & Reference (Online)
30 minutes
Most users need this option. Please select this option for quick help, like locating an article or polishing your citations.
1 hour
Please select this option for more in-depth projects, like selecting several articles or creating citations from scratch.
Research & Reference (SoPo)
30 minutes
Most users need this option. Please select this option for quick help, like locating an article or polishing your citations.
1 hour
Please select this option for more in-depth projects, like selecting several articles or creating citations from scratch.
Student Life
30 minutes
Meeting to discuss a conduct case.
30 minutes
Meeting for Club Members/Officers.
30 minutes
1 hour
Discuss a roommate dispute or situation.
30 minutes
A time to meet and check-in on academics and goals.
Tutoring - Anatomy & Physiology
1 hour
Tutoring - Anatomy & Physiology (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Biology (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Calculus I
1 hour
Tutoring - Calculus I (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Calculus II & III
1 hour
Tutoring - Calculus II & III (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Chemistry I
1 hour
Tutoring - Chemistry I (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Chemistry II
1 hour
Tutoring - Chemistry II (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - College Algebra
1 hour
Tutoring - College Algebra (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Differential Equations
1 hour
Tutoring - Differential Equations (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Dosage Calculation
1 hour
Tutoring - Dosage Calculation (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Financial Accounting
1 hour
Tutoring - Financial Accounting (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Intro to Discrete & Discrete Mathematics
1 hour
Tutoring - Intro to Discrete & Discrete Mathematics (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Managerial Accounting
1 hour
Tutoring - Managerial Accounting (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Microbiology
1 hour
Tutoring - Microbiology (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Path to Math
1 hour
Tutoring - Path to Math (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Physics I
1 hour
Tutoring - Physics I (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Physics II
1 hour
Tutoring - Physics II (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Psychology (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Quantitative Reasoning
1 hour
Tutoring - Quantitative Reasoning (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Spreadsheet Apps & MSOffice (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Statistics
1 hour
Tutoring - Statistics (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Study Skills
1 hour
Tutoring - Study Skills (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Technical Mathematics
1 hour
Tutoring - Technical Mathematics (SoPo)
1 hour
Tutoring - Trigonometry & Pre-Calculus
1 hour
Tutoring - Trigonometry & Pre-Calculus (SoPo)
1 hour
Writing Center - Asynchronous
30 minutes
Writing Center - In-Person (SoPo)
30 minutes
Writing Center - Synchronous
1 hour
Writing Center Resumés - In-Person (SoPo)
30 minutes