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- 1-Hour Ticketed Open Play
1 hour of unlimited arcade game play! Looking for more time? Just book consecutive hours!
Special Events
- Horror Movie Trivia!! Admission for team of 5; Includes 2 Hours of Unlimited Games
Awaken from your crypt, crawl out of your TV, unhaunt a dream and join us at The Quarters on Sunday March 30th 7-9pm for a night of Horror Movie trivia hosted by super-fan Roman Handlen! Teams up to 5 players (brain in a jar or monster ...
- Super Cereal Mornings!
Excited to announce that Super Cereal Saturday has returned to The Quarters, with the addition of Super Cereal Sunday! Every Saturday & Sunday from 10am-12pm enjoy old school cartoons, unlimited cereal buffet, and unlimited games for j ...
- Monday Night Trivia - Admission for Team of 5 w/Unlimited Game Play!
Each booking is for a team of 5 people ($10/person) and includes unlimited game play from 8pm-10pm. Half of ticket sales go to prize pool.