Belly Casting
- Belly Cast
1 hour @ $70.00
Belly casting with ispy specialist. Bring along your family and friends. We provide the material. Casting can get messy please wear appropriate clothing for the occasion. We can cast over nipples pasties , your bra or with no covering a ...
Early DNA
- “Twice the Face”
1 hour @ $115.00
4D HD LIVE scan. Almost identical to “Give me Face Package” However, 4D HD Live is an additional feature used for obtaining the most optimal form of 3D/4D imagine . Specific for identifying detailed features of your growing fetus face ...
- “ Watch Me Grow “
1 hour @ $350.00
This package consists of three different exams on three different days within the 9 month term of your pregnancy. Recommend for 1st trimester, second trimester and third trimester . However scans can be scheduled to the clients liken. T ...
- Sneak Peek Clinic
10 minutes @ $150.00
Early Gender determination using fetus DNA .( Blood Draw). We can determine your fetus gender as early as 9 weeks . Results return within 48 hrs and can be expedited with a $20 rush fee. Results are 99.9 % accurate. (Appointments must b ...
The V Spot (Steams By Perschelle)
- Blood Building Steam
30 minutes @ $55.00
replenishes blood lost after your period. Blood is rich in nutrients and blood-building herbs support the body's ability to create new blood cells and regulates blood flow.
- Disinfecting Steam
30 minutes @ $55.00
when bacteria become unbalanced, certain herbs have properties that help balance the microbiome.
- Digestion Support Steam
30 minutes @ $55.00
traditional Chinese herbs known to promote Chi circulation are used to support vigor and vitality.
- Enhanced Fertility Steam
30 minutes @ $85.00
cleanses and revitalizes the uterus to promote uterine health for those wanting to become pregnant. Great for childbearing and menopausal clients as well.
- Regular Steams
30 minutes @ $55.00
support the body's natural ability to release the old lining so that something new can build up in its place. Recommended twice a month and for those who experience heavy periods with lots of clotting
- Hydrating Steams
30 minutes @ $55.00
supports the body's ability to properly recycle fluids so your body keeps hydrated. Perfect for non-water drinkers.
- Anal Steam (Preferred for Men)
30 minutes @ $55.00
help detox, and reduce muscle tension. inflammation and lactic acid. Soothes hemorrhoids and clears up blackheads as well.
- Foot Detoxification
30 minutes @ $55.00
rejuvenate your body by aiding with toxin absorption. Foot massage post detoxification included.
- Foot Detoxification - CBD Edition
30 minutes @ $65.00
rejuvenate your body by aiding with toxin absorption. Foot massage post detoxification included. CBD detox crystals, exfoliating sugar scrub, collagen cream mask, and massage lotion are also included, ideal for smokers.
- V-bombs (Basic, Lavender or Citrus)
30 minutes @ $60.00
Pedi-bombs include cuticle softener, sea salt scrub, collagen mask treatment, and massage cream. Foot massage post-V-bomb also included.
- P-jelly Treatment ( Sweet Citrus, Green Tea, Pearl, Milk & Honey, or Rose)
30 minutes @ $55.00
jelly soak and spa bath. Foot massage post gel.
- “Just me and You Package “
30 minutes @ $99.00
This package is dedicated for the the moms in need of additional bonding time .Ideal for women 10-18 weeks pregnant . Possible gender sneak peak .Includes 4-6 B&W take home images . Add ons available in store. (Does not include 3D/4D im ...
- “Peak A Boo Baby”
1 hour @ $105.00
This package is designed for identifying your growing fetus(s) gender. Allows up to 7 guest to accompany. Recommended for women 16-24 weeks pregnant. Includes ispy 🔎special reveal effect. Included 4-6 B&W take home photos. Add ons ava ...
- “Give me Face”
1 hour @ $105.00
Strictly for 3D/4D Imaging . This package is to focus on the features of your growing fetus(s).Recommend for women 26-32 weeks pregnant .Includes 4-6 B&W take home photos. Add ins available in store.
- “Take Your Place”
1 hour @ $150.00
This scan can be done for any 2D / 3D / 4D / 4D HD Live appointment. Bring your loved one in to scan your growing baby with the guidance of our professionals. We give you 60 minutes of teaching your loved one how to obtain the most opti ...
- “Proof is in the Belly”
30 minutes @ $80.00
Have you missed your period ? Are you dissatisfied with your pregnancy results? We will use ultrasound to determine proof of viable pregnancy. This scan is recommended after your second missed period (6-10weeks)z includes proof of pregn ...
- “Give me Vickie “
1 hour @ $500.00
The Victoria package Unlimited ultrasounds for moms who are interested in watching their baby grow inside it’s womb. Includes( 4-6 B&W take home images and 1 color ISpy photo frame to take home print for each visit) Requires a minimum ...