

    • Wig Install-Must Come Braided 6-10 Straight Backs

      2 hours @ $100.00

      Come to appointment with your hair braided . MUST BE 6-10 straight backs with a perimeter braid. Braids must be clean and neat. NO BIG BRAIDS -APPOINTMENT WILL BE CANCELLED IF YOU ARE NOT BRAIDED

    • LaceClosure Quickweave

      3 hours @ $120.00

      Natural hair is molded and a stocking cap is applied followed by adhering lace closure and wefted hair extensions.

    • Lace Frontal Quickweave

      3 hours @ $130.00

      Natural hair is braided or molded followed by adhering lace frontal with adhesive on hair line sewed in the back then wefted hair extensions are glued in.

    • Lace Frontal Sew-In

      4 hours @ $150.00

      Natural hair is braided down in straight back cornrows. Net is added for durability then wefted hair is sewn into the net followed by adhering a lace frontal with lace glue.

    • Lace Closure Sew In

      4 hours @ $140.00

      Natural Hair is cornrowed into braiding pattern and wefted hair extensions are sewn onto cornrows followed by closure piece is adhered using adhesive .

    • Wig Install Frontal

      2 hours 40 minutes @ $120.00

      Hair is cornrowed then wig extension is adhered to the skin and sewn in the back

    • Natural Sew In

      3 hours @ $120.00

      Hair is cornrowed followed by a small parting of hair and edge is left out to lay over hair extensions after being sewn in

    • Natural Quickweave

      2 hours 20 minutes @ $80.00

      Natural hair is molded with natural parting space left out and wefted extensions are glued in

    • Ponytail

      2 hours 20 minutes @ $70.00

      Natural hair is molded into a ponytail then hair extensions are applied . Please come with hair detangled

    • Style

      1 hour 25 minutes @ $30.00

      Crimps Wand or Romance Curls NO LACE WILL BE FIXED IF LIFTING

    • Versatile/Flip Over Quickweave

      2 hours 40 minutes @ $80.00

      NOT YOUR AVERAGE QUICKWEAVE RECOMMENDED FOR CLIENTS WITH LONGER HAIR . Style involves a lot of leaveout of the natural hair

    • Frontal ponytail

      3 hours @ $140.00

    • Wig Install Closure

      2 hours 40 minutes @ $110.00

      Hair is cornrowed then wig extension is adhered to the skin and sewn in the back