Iron John Coaching

    • Free Discovery Session with David Stockhausen

      30 minutes

    • New Client Onboarding Session

      1 hour @ $220.00

    • A la carte single session with David Stockhausen

      1 hour @ $200.00

    • 90 min drop in session with David Stockhausen

      1 hour 30 minutes @ $250.00

      extra long session for clients needing more space and time

  • Products & Packages

  • Subscriptions

    • Weekly Session Subscription (4 sessions per month)

      $25.00 initial setup plus $600.00 per month

      This subscription is for clients wanting ongoing weekly support. Get four 60 min sessions per month with rollover. Cancel anytime. New subscribers use code FIRST-TWENTY at checkout for a $20 discount upon signup.

    • Bimonthly Subscription (2 session per month)

      $350.00 per month

      Get two 60 min sessions per month with rollover. Bills monthly and canceled anytime. New subscribers can use code FIRST-TWENTY at checkout to get a $20 discount for signing up.

    • Monthly Subscription (one session per month)

      $25.00 initial setup plus $200.00 per month

      A subscription offers 20% off regular pricing. Get one 90 min session per month with rollover. Bills monthly and canceled anytime. New subscribers can use code FIRST-TWENTY at checkout to get a $20 discount for signing up.

    • Peerless Ethical Leader: Executive Monthly Retainer

      $300.00 initial setup plus $1,000.00 per month

      The future of the world depends on your leadership! This package is executive clients with resources to become a peerless leader in their field. This monthly retainer gets you exclusive access to David and his resources to support your journey towards empowered ethical leadership. Choose your place as a leader in the great turning, our uncertain future of climate crisis and social evolution. By application only.