Charles Fleming

Appointments for Care Centre Visits

Welcome to our online booking system where you are able to make an appointment for a visit to a care centre resident.

  • Visits are available in 30-minute slots limited to two visitors at a time.
  • Our visiting hours are between 10.00 am and 5.00 pm every day of the week.
  • Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to your appointment so that you can complete a RAT test and declaration prior to commencing your visit.
  • Please provide a valid vaccination pass for entry to the care centre.
  • If you have not had a COVID-19 vaccination, are not comfortable disclosing this, or are unable to wear a mask we will organise an alternative area for your visit outside of the care centre. This is for risk management purposes only.

If you have any concerns or requests, please contact Charles Fleming and speak to one of our friendly team.