Three different types of (sometimes) toxic League of Legends players

League of Legends is a widely played MOBA game and of course this attracts a very diverse audience. Every player is unique in their own ways.

Be it their toxicity, their pro-level gameplay or some weird summoner name, everyone of them is different.
How many types of league players there are you may ask? Let me tell you about it right now!

The smurf

There are two different types of lol smurfs out there: The good and the bad.
The bad smurf is highly toxic in their nature. They will flame you to death if you make a small mistake and keep spamming KYS all over the chat for the rest of the game.
If you are lucky however, you will encounter the good smurf. Their goal is to just relax a little from their highly competitive ranking and just forget about being a Challenger for a second.
Playing in your elo is a walk in the park to them and so they will provide you with useful tips and joke about your mistakes in a funny and humorous way. Bad smurfs belittle, good smurfs uplift.
Watch out for the bad ones and report them. Nobody likes them. However if you somehow match with a good one, cherish them and make sure to add them as a friend.

The tryhard

Even worse than a smurf is the tryhard. Smurfs are most often good players but tryhards are not. Absolutely not.
They never smurf because they are in iron already and would probably scream, kick and bite in real-life like a baby whenever they get a little frustrated.
Every drawback is a big drama show and playing the game becomes impossible due to their lack of discipline. And you don't even need much discipline, it's a game after all.
Despite being a horrible player, tryhards will insult you whenever you don't follow their advice. Ever seen someone scream "surrender at 20!!11!!" after your team lost first-blood to the enemies? That's a tryhard.
The best way to deal with those players is to just mute them and carry on with your life.

The arrogant pro (or aPROns)

Once you reach higher ranks you will most surely match with those players sooner or later. Great league players are fully aware of their skills. For some people, their skill tends to get to their head a little too much.
Should you ever meet an aPROn, run while you can. They will never take on the role of support as that is beneath them. Whatever you do, they do it better, faster and smarter than you ever could. Even if you are 2 ranks above them.
It doesn't matter as their way is the only right way. aPROns are great talkers, shit-talkers. Why do I call them aPROns you may ask? Because they, just like the cliché girl, will cause drama wherever they can by any means necessary.
You didn't buy their favorite item for this particular champion? How dare you??
You went to help the top laner instead of them, because the top laner was in a much easier to save situation? How dare you?!
You ended up last-hitting some creep he tried to get? HOW DARE YOU?!?
The picture is clear: Drama, drama, drama.

Now that you know the typical toxic league players, you should be able to identify and avoid them. And avoid them at all cost, for the sake of your mental health.
Every encounter will make you want to quit the game or even worse. And we don't want it to get worse do we?