Gong Sun Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Herbology

    • Initial Acupuncture

      2 hours @ $110.00

      Initial consultation, acupuncture & related modalities, and dietary & lifestyle recommendations

    • Follow-up Acupuncture

      1 hour 30 minutes @ $90.00

      For follow-up visits - Includes consultation, acupuncture & related modalities, and dietary & lifestyle recommendations

    • Follow-up Acupuncture with Herbs

      1 hour 30 minutes @ $110.00

      For follow-up visits - Includes consultation, acupuncture & related modalities, dietary & lifestyle recommendations, and an herbal formula. The cost of Herbs is not included, and usually ranges $35 for two weeks including shipping.

    • Initial Herbal Consultation

      1 hour 30 minutes @ $90.00

      Initial Consultation includes dietary and lifestyle recommendations, and an herbal formula. The cost of Herbs is not included, and usually ranges $35-$50 for two weeks. Also includes two abbreviated follow-ups for minor formula adjust ...

    • Follow-up Herbal Consultation

      1 hour @ $60.00

      More extensive follow-up or every third follow-up. Consultation includes a check-in with dietary and lifestyle recommendations, and an herbal formula. The cost of Herbs is not included, and usually ranges $35-$50 for two weeks.

    • Tele-Health Consultation

      1 hour @ $70.00

      Remote consultation for Maine residents - Includes Tele-Health consultation, dietary and lifestyle recommendations, and an herbal formula if appropriate. The cost of Herbs is not included, and usually ranges $35 for two weeks including ...