Tarah Rhian Bigger, LLC

    • Complimentary Discovery Call

      30 minutes

      Discover how Clinical Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and other advance energy therapies can empower you to share the extraordinary gift of who you are in life-giving ways!

      Adventurer's mindset required.

    Private Clients

    • Trail Mapping Call

      45 minutes @ $65.00

      You're ready to take the leap, now it's time to map out the landing! In this 45-minute call, we'll explore the ways in which life's peaks and valleys have shaped your own inner landscape, as we prepare to move mountains of resistance fo ...

    • Post-Traumatic Soul Growth ZOOM Session

      1 hour 30 minutes @ $222.00

      A soft-style approach to conscious emotional awakening that follows the nervous system’s pace of grace to support sustainable Post-Traumatic Soul Growth. **Attention - PACKAGE clients: Please use the Certificate Code you were provided ...

    • Post-Traumatic Soul Growth REMOTE SURROGATE Session

      1 hour 30 minutes @ $222.00

      Skip arguing for your limitations and go direct to Source. Because that's what you'll find when you reach the roots and origins of any "issue." If you suspect you've got deep layers of resistance, are struggling to weave in self-care, ...

  • Products & Packages

  • Private Clients

    • Post-Traumatic Soul Growth Package - 4 x 90-min. Sessions


      A soft-style approach to conscious emotional awakening that follows the nervous system’s pace of grace to support sustainable Post-Traumatic Soul Growth... Trauma isn’t trauma from the other side. It’s authentic power, focused purpose, and sacred potential. And the path we take to get across is every bit as important as the destination. It may even be the difference in those who make it there at all. When hiking mountainous terrain, switchbacks create a gentler incline for a safer, more efficient ascent and descent while minimizing impact on the surrounding ecosystem. So why wouldn't we take the trail that's right and gentle for your nervous system? Developing emotional awareness while cleaning out deep wounds can also be a delicate process. If we want a rose bud to bloom, we don't pry it open. We transplant it in a hospitable environment and then trust it to unfold according to its own innate intelligence. The same innate intelligence resides in you. So why wouldn't we opt for leveraging authentic power over force? We'll be traveling light, leaving old assumptions behind that emotional processing, trauma clearing, and subconscious reprogramming has to be hard, heavy, intense, painful…or a long haul—especially when approached indirectly. Join me on this path less traveled. One that is quite often humorous, playful, creative, and dare I say, easy? I promise it will make all the difference!

    • Post-Traumatic Soul Growth HYBRID Package - 8 x 90-min. Sessions


      A soft-style approach to conscious emotional awakening that follows the nervous system’s pace of grace to support sustainable Post-Traumatic Soul Growth...

    • Post-Traumatic Soul Growth HYBRID Package - 12 x 90-min. Sessions


      A soft-style approach to conscious emotional awakening that follows the nervous system’s pace of grace to support sustainable Post-Traumatic Soul Growth...