Power Haus of Braids and Weaves

A $25 dollar booking fee required non refundable via Zelle, Venmo. A $2.00 booking fee will be deducted and the remainder of deposit will be applied to your final payment. Any cancellation less than 24 hours will not be able to use deposit on re-scheduled appointment. There will be a $10 late fee after 15 minutes. If you are more than 20 minutes late your appointment will be cancelled and will need to book a new appointment. There will be an additional fee of $25 if hair is not clean and detangled. Deposit must be paid within 2 hours of booking or the appointment will be cancelled. If you have any issues with payment you must email us at info@tessencebeautysupply.com or pay in person at Touch of Essence Beauty Supply.

Send payment to " ALisia Smith" via Zelle kouasia@gmail.com, Venmo @alisia-smith No cash app payments accepted.

All no call no shows will result in Ban from booking in future.

Thank you for choosing Power Haus of Braids and Weaves to service you.