- Home Ed Art Club - Art activities and creative play. Discover a new topic each week! Age guide: 4-13 years. Wednesdays, 1pm, Grafton Underwood Village Hall. 1.5 hours. £13.
- After School Art Club - Art activities and creative play. Discover a new topic each week! Age guide: 4-11 years. Wednesdays, 4pm, Grafton Underwood Village Hall. 1 hour. £9.
- Pre-school & Baby Art Club - Art activities, sensory, messy and creative play. Discover a new topic each week! Age guide: 6 months - 4 years. Wednesdays, 9.30am - 11.30am, Grafton Underwood Village Hall. 2 hours. £9.00.
- SQUISHED - Creative Messy Play, Easter Special. Age guide: 1-7 years. Sat 5th April. Grafton Underwood Village Hall. £10 per child.