Wednesday Morning Velo

Sponsoring rides with WMV is a great way to connect with the local business community in a different way. Most of our riders are local professionals in Boulder and and across Boulder County.

Sponsor slots are not very expensive (starting at $150), are a lot of fun, and can provide some great exposure for your business. Our sponsor slots are in high demand, but we are always looking to grow the pie and provide more support to make these rides more fun for everyone.

This year, Wednesday Morning Velo's weekly rides will be sponsored by 1, 2, or 4 sponsors depending on the week.

SPONSORSHIP RATES: – 2024 Summer Season:

  • 1 sponsor week: $600/sponsor
  • 2 sponsors week: $300/sponsor
  • 4 sponsors week: $150/sponsor


  1. Select the desired sponsorship level;
  2. Select your desired ride sponsorship date (or next available);
  3. Fill out ALL information - this info will be what will be advertised!
  4. Pay
  5. A WMV Organizer will be in touch with you 1 week before your sponsored ride date.


  • Email newsletter feature (2x per sponsorship): logo, bio, profile pic, company description
  • Social posts to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Strava
  • WMV website logo post and link
  • Pre-ride “Sponsor pitch” to riders
  • Post-ride networking hour with riders
  • Ride prime offering opportunity
  • Post-season Wednesday Morning Velo Sponsor Party