Online scheduling is not currently available
Please contact the business directly.
I'm so happy that you are interested in working with me in creating a life of peace, and freedom. 🙏
As a survivor of domestic violence and abuse I know what it's like to struggle with the effects of trauma and the toll it takes on our minds and bodies, and relationships. I am here to help you get through it and move forward with your life!
Take this opportunity to schedule your free 30minute Freedom Breakthrough Session where we can :
1. Begin to create a mini-plan for navigating life as a survivor of trauma.
2. Briefly review 3 stepping stones to begin healing.
3. Discuss an opportunity to join my 8 week Explore Freedom Mastery™ Coaching and Energy Rehab™ Program
4. You can also sign up below and try out one Coaching/Energy Rehab Session.
There will be a Freedom Breakthrough Pre-session form sent to your email after booking your appointment. Filling this out will allow us more valuable time together during the session.
I Look forward to seeing you live on Zoom to begin your healing journey.❤️
Meanwhile check out some of the other opportunities to work with me below 👇🏽
Angelena Thomas "The Soul Pharmacist"
Online scheduling is not currently available
Please contact the business directly.