Please choose one of the following options, you will then be prompted to choosing a date and time (in your timezone) that is most convenient for you. The process is quick, simple, and efficient...

    • Team Audit

      20 minutes

      Gain unbiased insight during this 'listening session' with Dan Messinger, a 30+ year veteran in leadership development.

    • Executive Presence Consultation

      30 minutes

      Curious about Executive Presence Training? During this consultation, Dan will assess to your unique needs, while sharing details about the benefits, process, and outcomes of executive presence, to determine if this is your next best ste ...

    • Executive Coaching Consultation

      30 minutes

      During this consultation, Dan will listen to your unique needs and situation, and provide honest feedback. If you wish to continue exploring how to effectively manage similar situations, Dan will share details about the benefits, proces ...