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Manifest your dreams, become your best self, and create a life that feels like home. Receive a luxurious transformational experience replete with custom made weekly guided meditations, affirmations, guided visualizations, weekly forcasts into every area of your life including the most auspicious times to act upon your goals in a custom system based on 7 high frequency techniques designed to outline a persons soul and their relationship to the texture of time.
Receive a 200+ page personal tome of self knowledge for personal reference that is made from hardbound leather, receive journals including bespoke prompts based on each level of your personal development, and a 24 karat gold pen inscribed with your name to fill them out. Refreshed quarterly, these are the only journals that will grow with you on your journey. Enjoy world class weekly coaching that will leave you inspired, and with customized strategies for reaching each of your most important goals with support in between sessions.
Enjoy an expert in mindfulness, high frequency lifestyle design, productivity, mysticism, business, and of course, life coaching. This unforgettable experience will as fun as it is sublime, as you transform into your authentic Self using internal family systems, EFT tapping, Self Inquiry, and appreciative coaching, our multi-modal approach will surpass anything that you have dreamed of in terms of effectiveness and customization. Learn to achieve goals and habituate a state of flow as we uncover the strategies that work with your unique blueprint, and deliver you results that are longer lasting, quicker to attain, and truly life changing. This is quite simply the best investment you'll ever make in yourself.