Alpha Premium
- Solo Consultation
30 minutes @ $59.00
Begins with a 30-minute session, with options for additional time at discounted rates.
- Group Consultation
30 minutes @ $69.00
Same as solo consultation for up to 10 people at a time. Begins with a 30-minute session, with options for additional time at discounted rates.
Beta Free
- Solo Consultation - Weekly Free Slots
30 minutes
Here's an opportunity to benefit from GK's availability if donating isn't feasible for you. Please note that space is often limited.
- Interview or Podcast (Pre-Discussed)
1 hour
This meeting type is specially reserved for sessions that have been thoroughly discussed and arranged in advance. If we haven't yet had the pleasure of planning this exciting endeavor together, please refrain from selecting this option, ...
- Contact Follow-up
1 hour
This meeting type is specially reserved for sessions that have been thoroughly discussed and arranged in advance. If we haven't yet had the pleasure of planning this exciting endeavor together, please refrain from selecting this option, ...
- Disclosure Club Members - Talk to GK
30 minutes
This meeting type is specially reserved for sessions that have been thoroughly discussed and arranged in advance. If we haven't yet had the pleasure of planning this exciting endeavor together, please refrain from selecting this option, ...