Booking Info

  • Choose whether you want an in-person (Sundays) or a telehealth (Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays) consult.

  • Telehealth consults are conducted via phone or Zoom software - it's your choice!

  • Your consult fee is collected at the time of booking, and covers the cost a professional attendance. Medicare card holders may receive a rebate between $26 - $74 for eligible services, depending on length of consult.

NOTE:Be sure to check for your email confirmation after booking, as it will contain important information.

Primary Healthcare Provider

Adj. Assoc. Professor Chris Helms

Chris is a nurse practitioner with over 25 years' experience working as a clinician in metropolitan hospitals to regional and remote clinics, both in Australia and the USA. He has a great deal of expertise in the coordination and management of long-term health conditions, and has a special interest in cardiovascular and lung disease. He provides unique services in the ACT, including:

  • HIV S100 and PreP Prescriber
  • Hepatitis C Treatment
  • Gender-Affirming Hormones Prescriber
  • Medical Terminations of Pregnancy
  • Implanon Insertion/Removal
  • Skin Checks and Biopsies
  • Medicinal Cannabis Prescriber

He holds a PhD in Nursing and has authored several peer-reviewed publications. Chris immigrated to Australia in 2007 and lives with his husband in Canberra with their Rhodesian Ridgeback, Doris.


  • English
  • Spanish

  • In-Person

  • Telehealth - Phone/Mobile

  • Telehealth - Video