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    • Presentation class / Aula de apresentação (ONE-TIME booking)

      30 minutes

      This is a presentation class where we will talk a little to get to know each other better. I'll introduce myself, describe my teaching style, explain what lesson types I offer here on Bilinguafy, and explain what to expect from them. Yo ...

    English Made Easy - COURSE

    • E.M.E. - English Made Easy - COURSE

      30 minutes @ R$32.00

      IN THIS LESSON TYPE WE WILL: learn the basics of the English language. Here we will focus on the main parts of any language (grammar, structure, vocabulary, and pronunciation). This lesson type is for everyone who is just starting on t ...

    • E.M.E. - English Made Easy - COURSE

      45 minutes @ R$47.00

      IN THIS LESSON TYPE WE WILL: learn the basics of the English language. Here we will focus on the main parts of any language (grammar, structure, vocabulary, and pronunciation). This lesson type is for everyone who is just starting on t ...

    • E.M.E. - English Made Easy - COURSE

      1 hour @ R$62.00

      IN THIS LESSON TYPE WE WILL: learn the basics of the English language. Here we will focus on the main parts of any language (grammar, structure, vocabulary, and pronunciation). This lesson type is for everyone who is just starting on t ...

    Free Flow

    • F.F. - Free Flow

      30 minutes @ R$32.00

      IN THIS LESSON TYPE WE WILL: we will have a conversation to, not only, practice your speaking but also expand your vocabulary, work on your pronunciation, and learn some grammar and proper sentence structure, if needed. It is a conversa ...

    • F.F. - Free Flow

      45 minutes @ R$47.00

      IN THIS LESSON TYPE WE WILL: we will have a conversation to, not only, practice your speaking but also expand your vocabulary, work on your pronunciation, and learn some grammar and proper sentence structure, if needed. It is a conversa ...

    • F.F. - Free Flow

      1 hour @ R$62.00

      IN THIS LESSON TYPE WE WILL: we will have a conversation to, not only, practice your speaking but also expand your vocabulary, work on your pronunciation, and learn some grammar and proper sentence structure, if needed. It is a conversa ...

    Grammar focus

    • Grammar focus (aula de gramática)

      30 minutes @ R$30.00

      Learn grammar in a practical and straightforward way! In this class, we will work on the main grammar topics of English through dynamic exercises, analysis of real texts, and everyday situations. In addition, you will have the opportuni ...

    • Grammar focus (aula de gramática)

      45 minutes @ R$42.00

      Learn grammar in a practical and straightforward way! In this class, we will work on the main grammar topics of English through dynamic exercises, analysis of real texts, and everyday situations. In addition, you will have the opportuni ...

    • Grammar focus (aula de gramática)

      1 hour @ R$52.00

      Learn grammar in a practical and straightforward way! In this class, we will work on the main grammar topics of English through dynamic exercises, analysis of real texts, and everyday situations. In addition, you will have the opportuni ...

    Guided conversation for fluency

    • G.C.F. - Guided conversation for fluency

      30 minutes @ R$32.00

      IN THIS LESSON TYPE WE WILL discuss a wide range of subjects (from everyday life to social or academic ones), expand your vocabulary with some exercises (connecting new words, phrases, idioms, and phrasal verbs with their meaning), impr ...

    • G.C.F. - Guided conversation for fluency

      45 minutes @ R$47.00

      IN THIS LESSON TYPE WE WILL discuss a wide range of subjects (from everyday life to social or academic ones), expand your vocabulary with some exercises (connecting new words, phrases, idioms, and phrasal verbs with their meaning), impr ...

    • G.C.F. - Guided conversation for fluency

      1 hour @ R$62.00

      IN THIS LESSON TYPE WE WILL discuss a wide range of subjects (from everyday life to social or academic ones), expand your vocabulary with some exercises (connecting new words, phrases, idioms, and phrasal verbs with their meaning), impr ...

    Speaking class

    • Speaking class (conversation class / aula de conversação)

      30 minutes @ R$30.00

      Unlock your English and speak with confidence! In this conversation class, the focus is on you! We will improve your fluency with interactive activities, discussions on topics that interest you, and simulations of real-life situations. ...

    • Speaking class (conversation class / aula de conversação)

      45 minutes @ R$42.00

      Unlock your English and speak with confidence! In this conversation class, the focus is on you! We will improve your fluency with interactive activities, discussions on topics that interest you, and simulations of real-life situations. ...

    • Speaking class (conversation class / aula de conversação)

      1 hour @ R$52.00

      Unlock your English and speak with confidence! In this conversation class, the focus is on you! We will improve your fluency with interactive activities, discussions on topics that interest you, and simulations of real-life situations. ...