Hi there and welcome to Balanced Body Wisdom. You will be supported & guided to learn about the beautiful design and function of your body and how to bring your Musculoskeletal, Sensory and Nervous System into deeper balance with each practice.

We start with Practice One: Current State. This will be face to face if you're on Maui, HI, or via video call.

After our first practice together, please schedule a follow up phone call, typically within 2 days. You will also be supported with;

  • a 1 hour audio
  • a breath work audio
  • a 30 minute real-time audio

for Practice 1: Current State, to explore yourself a few times before Practice Two, and so on, through all four practices.

Please contact me with any questions.


    • Free Personal Introduction

      30 minutes

    • Practice 1: Current State

      2 hours @ $300.00

    • Practice 2: Waiting for the Nervous System

      2 hours @ $300.00

    • Practice 3: Equal & Opposites

      2 hours @ $300.00

    • Practice 4: Integration

      2 hours @ $300.00

    • Follow Up Phone Call

      30 minutes

    • Schedule a Group Practice. *Face to face Only*

      2 hours @ $300.00