Welcome to Orange County’s CalFresh, Medi-Cal, and Southern California Edison PSPS Care Coordination online appointment system. In addition, we have partnered with other organizations to offer CalFresh appointments as well. These Orange County agencies consist of CHIOC, and ICNA Relief.

Together, we have a team of trained application assistors who provide friendly, compassionate assistance to those wishing to apply for CalFresh benefits manner. We can also provide you with referrals for free food programs in your neighborhood.

CalFresh is a nutritional assistance program sponsored by the USDA.

Book an appointment and we can prescreen you to let you know if your household is likely to be eligible for benefits! This service is entirely free.

Make an Appointment with our SCE 211 Care Coordinator

Our Care Coordinator offers Southern California Edison Access and Functional Needs (AFN) customers to be assisted when there is a Public Safety Powershuft off (PSPS). The individual can be connected to agencies that have established resources for a Public Safety Power Shutoff event. Care Coordination is currently only available for Orange County residents and SCE clients. This service is entirely free.

    • PSPS Care Coordination-English

      30 minutes

    • PSPS Care Coordination-Spanish

      30 minutes

    • 211 Orange County CalFresh PHONE APPLICATION -English

      30 minutes

      This CalFresh application will be conducted over the phone.

    • 211 Orange County CalFresh PHONE APPLICATION- Spanish

      30 minutes

      This CalFresh application will be conducted over the phone.

    • 211 Orange County CalFresh PHONE APPLICATION- Other Language

      40 minutes

      This CalFresh application will be conducted over the phone.

    • 211 Orange County Medi-Cal PHONE APPLICATION -English

      30 minutes

    • 211 Orange County Medi-Cal PHONE APPLICATION -Spanish

      30 minutes

    • 211 Orange County Medi-Cal PHONE APPLICATION- Other Language

      40 minutes

    • 211 Orange County CalFresh AND Medi-Cal PHONE APPLICATION-English

      30 minutes

    • 211 Orange County CalFresh AND Medi-Cal PHONE APPLICATION- Spanish

      30 minutes

    • 211 Orange County CalFresh and Medi-Cal PHONE APPLICATION- Other Language

      40 minutes


      1 hour

      This application will be completed in person at 1505 E. 17th St. Suite 108 Santa Ana, CA 92705.


      1 hour

      This CalFresh application will be completed in person at 1505 E. 17th St. Suite 108 Santa Ana, CA 92705.

    • CHI OC Medi-Cal PHONE APPLICATION - English

      1 hour

      This CalFresh application will be conducted over the phone.


      1 hour

      This application will be completed in person at 1505 E. 17th St. Suite 108 Santa Ana, CA 92705.


      1 hour

    • CHI OC Medi-Cal PHONE APPLICATION - Spanish

      1 hour

    • CHI OC CalFresh PHONE APPLICATION - English

      1 hour

      This CalFresh application will be conducted over the phone.

      You will received emailed instructions on how to prepare and call in for your appointment.

    • CHI OC CalFresh PHONE APPLICATION - Spanish

      1 hour

      This CalFresh application will be conducted over the phone.

      You will received emailed instructions on how to prepare and call in for your appointment.

    • ICNA Relief IN-PERSON Application - Arabic

      45 minutes

      - يجب حضورك شخصيا لتعبئة طلب الكال فرش (فود ستامب) - اذا كنت مريض او تشعر بالمرض ، اذا سافرت لخارج الولايات المتحدة خلال ١٤ يوم السابقة ، او اذا كنت قد قابلت شخصا لديه اعراض مرض الكوفد -١٩ (كورونا) ، الرجاء عدم الحضور وتحديد موعد اخر. ...

    • ICNA Relief IN-PERSON Application - English

      45 minutes

      This CalFresh application will be in-person. If you are feeling ill, have traveled outside of the US in the past 14 days, or have been in contact with someone who has COVID-19, please reschedule your appointment for a later date. Tha ...