Feel free to fill out paperwork ahead of time at https://www.gloyeskeacupuncturepointe.com/portfoli....

  • New Patients Only

    • New Patient Appointment

      1 hour 15 minutes @ $105.00


    Returning Patients Only

    • Acupuncture Tune-up (Mondays & Thursdays) - Oxford

      45 minutes @ $50.00

      If you are a new patient, you must schedule a New Patient appointment before a Tune-up.

    • Oxford Acupuncture

      1 hour @ $90.00

      If you are a New Patient, you must schedule a New Patient visit before this type of appointment.

  • Products & Packages

  • 12 Month Unlimited Package

    • 12-Month Unlimited


      12 month acupuncture sessions to address any needs/complaints. Schedule any appointment type throughout the year. If I am out of the office, partial or full refunds will be given, depending on how many sessions have been used.


    • 3E Longevity Program 1 Quarter


      3E stands for the three areas that I believe are the key areas to focus on to enhance one’s health and quality of life. Those areas are exercises, eating, and eastern medicine. I feel strongly about helping people with more than acupuncture. I want to change a handful of people’s lives, and help others lessen the mistakes that I’ve made myself when it comes to longevity. I’m very excited to share my passion for these areas with you. This is a 3 month long, 1-on-1 program.

    • 3E Longevity Program 1 Year


      3E stands for the three areas that I believe are the key areas to focus on to enhance one’s health and quality of life. Those areas are exercises, eating, and eastern medicine. I feel strongly about helping people with more than acupuncture. I want to change a handful of people’s lives, and help others lessen the mistakes that I’ve made myself when it comes to longevity. I’m very excited to share my passion for these areas with you. This is a one year long, 1-on-1 program.