Zammitti Law, PLLC

    • Phone Call

      15 minutes

      We will contact you on the date and time you select at the telephone number you have provided.

    • Phone Call with Jillian Kezek

      15 minutes

      We will contact you on the date and time you select at the telephone number you have provided.

    • Phone Call with Mackenzie Cairns

      15 minutes

      We will contact you on the date and time you select at the telephone number you have provided.

    • Phone Call with Valerie Zammitti

      15 minutes

      We will contact you on the date and time you select at the telephone number you have provided.

    • Volunteerism Committee Meeting

      1 hour

      Zammitti Law is happy to coordinate a conference for our upcoming committee discussion.


    • Business Strategy Session - Phone/Video

      30 minutes

      Whether you would like to create a single member LLC for rental property or discuss potential succession plans for your business, we will use this initial meeting to learn a little more about each other. We will reach out to you on the ...

    • Business Strategy Session - In Person

      30 minutes

      Whether you would like to create a single member LLC for rental property or discuss potential succession plans for your business, we will use this initial meeting to learn a little more about each other. We will reach out to you on the ...

    Educational Events

    • Public FAQ Hour

      1 hour

      Offered the third Wednesday of each month. Please answer a few questions here and we'll see you soon!

    • Professional Workshop

      1 hour

      Offered the first Wednesday of each month. Minimum of four participants per workshop, maximum ten.

    Elder Law/Medicaid

    • Elder Law/Medicaid Strategy Session - Phone/Video

      30 minutes

      Potential long term care costs are a concern for everyone. We will take this time to learn a little more about you and you will learn about me as well. We will reach out to you on the day and time you have chosen to begin discussing h ...

    • Elder Law/Medicaid Strategy Session - In Person

      30 minutes

      Potential long term care costs are a concern for everyone. We will take this time to learn a little more about you and you will learn about me as well. We will reach out to you on the day and time you have chosen to begin discussing h ...

    Estate Planning

    • Client drop-in/sign

      15 minutes

    • Estate Planning Design Wrap-Up w Mackenzie - Phone

      15 minutes

      Our office (typically a staff member) will reach out to you at the date and time you select to obtain any outstanding information we need to complete the design of your estate plan and to answer any of your current questions.

    • Estate Planning Strategy Session - Phone/Video

      30 minutes

      This is the time when I learn a little more about you and you will learn about me as well. We will reach out to you on the day and time you have chosen to begin discussing your estate planning goals, needs and wants. IMPORTANT NOTE IF ...

    • Estate Planning Strategy Session - In Person

      30 minutes

      This is the time when I learn a little more about you and you will learn about me as well. We will begin the discussion of your estate planning goals, needs and wants. IMPORTANT NOTE IF YOU ARE MARRIED: Please schedule a time when y ...

    • Estate Planning Design Wrap-Up - Phone

      15 minutes

      Our office (typically a staff member) will reach out to you at the date and time you select to obtain any outstanding information we need to complete the design of your estate plan and to answer any of your current questions.

    • Estate Planning Design Wrap-Up - In Person

      15 minutes

      At this fairly brief meeting, we will obtain any outstanding information needed from you to complete the design of your estate plan and to answer any of your current questions.

    • Estate Planning Signing - In Person

      1 hour

      This is our final meeting where we review the details of the estate plan we designed with you to meet your goals and needs for yourself and your family.

    • Estate Planning Signing post Review - In Person

      30 minutes

      This is our final meeting where we sign the estate plan we have previously designed together and reviewed.

    Initial Strategy Sessions - All Services (Select Most Appropriate)

    • Estate Planning Strategy Session - Phone/Video

      30 minutes

      SELECT THIS WHEN YOU WANT TO START A PLAN TO PROTECT YOURSELF, YOUR LOVED ONES, AND YOUR ASSETS FOR WHEN IT IS NEEDED. This is the time when I learn a little more about you and you will learn about me as well. We will reach out to you ...

    • Elder Law/Medicaid Strategy Session - Phone/Video

      30 minutes

      SELECT THIS WHEN SOMEONE WILL SOON NEED OR CURRENTLY NEEDS LONG TERM CARE ASSISTANCE. Potential long term care costs are a concern for everyone. We will take this time to learn a little more about you and you will learn about me as we ...

    • Probate/Trust Administration Strategy Session - Phone/Video

      30 minutes

      SELECT THIS WHEN A LOVED ONE HAS PASSED AND YOU NEED HELP SETTLING THEIR ESTATE OR TRUST. We understand how difficult this time is for you. During this meeting, we will determine and explain the necessary steps we can assist with navi ...


    • Phone Call with Marcela Cripe

      15 minutes

      Media / Community Outreach / Networking / Marketing

      We will contact you on the date and time you select at the telephone number you have provided.

    • Networking Phone/Video

      30 minutes

      Thank you for connecting! I look forward to seeing how we can work together personally and professionally.

    • Coffee Meeting

      30 minutes

      Let's grab a coffee and chat.

    • Lunch Meeting

      1 hour

      Let's grab a bite! I'd love to talk a little shop over a meal and learn a little about you and your goals.

    Post EP Signing Reviews

    • Estate Planning Annual Review - Phone/Video

      20 minutes

      Can you believe it's been an entire year already! This review session will allow us to consider any changes that have occurred in your life or the law so that we may determine whether or not your estate plan still works to meet your go ...

    • Estate Planning Annual Review - In Person

      20 minutes

      Can you believe it's been an entire year already! This brief review session will allow us to consider any changes that have occurred in your life or the law so that we may determine whether or not your estate plan still works to meet y ...

    • Estate Planning Review Session - Phone/Video

      30 minutes

      Can you believe it's been a couple of years already! This review session will allow us to consider any changes that have occurred in your life or the law so that we may determine whether or not your estate plan still works to meet your ...

    • Estate Planning Review Session - In Person

      30 minutes

      Can you believe it's been a few years already! This review session will allow us to consider any changes that have occurred in your life or the law so that we may determine whether or not your estate plan still works to meet your goals ...

    Probate/Trust Administration

    • Probate/Trust Administration Strategy Session - Phone/Video

      30 minutes

      We understand how difficult this time is for you. During this meeting, we will determine and explain the necessary steps we can assist with navigating while you focus on healing.

    • Probate/Trust Administration Strategy Session - In Person

      30 minutes

      We understand how difficult this time is for you. During this meeting, we will determine and explain the necessary steps we can assist with navigating while you focus on healing.

    • Probate/Trust Administration - Document Signing - In Person

      30 minutes

      During this meeting, we will review any required documents that need to be signed and/or notarized to move the administration forward as efficiently as possible.

    Tax Planning

    • Tax Planning Strategy Session (Phone/Video)

      30 minutes

      Let's get down to brass taxes! During this conference, we will begin to review your current tax situation and get a better understanding of your underlying tax needs and goals.