Fur Out Pet Care


This form is for those who have already booked their Meet&Greet. To set up your free Meet & Greet: please email FurOutNJ@gmail.com & include the following:

  • your address
  • a little about your pet(s)
  • the services you are looking for
For walking & house visits: please book for the interval that fits you best! There are 3 available slots per 2 hour interval for 30 minute walks :)

The time slots are as follows:
  • If selecting the 7:00am time-slot, arrival time will be between 7:00am-9:00am. (extended hours)
  • If selecting the 9:00am time-slot, arrival time will be between 9:00am-11:00am.
  • If selecting the 11:00am time-slot, arrival time will be between 11:00am-1:00pm.
  • If selecting the 1:00pm time-slot, arrival time will be between 1:00pm-3:00pm.
  • If selecting the 3:00pm time-slot, arrival time will be between 3:00pm-5:00pm.
  • If selecting the 5:00pm time-slot, arrival time will be between 5:00pm-7:00pm. (extended hours)
  • If selecting the 7:00pm time-slot, arrival time will be between 7:00pm-9:00pm. (extended hours)

For house-sitting bookings: please text/call (908) 458 - 2059 or email FurOutNJ@gmail.com

To book multiple dates, please click a time-slot and select: "Add a Time" until all of your desired dates are booked! You will be directed to pay for the bookings via Square following the form.

**Cancellations or rescheduling must be made via Acuity Scheduling at least 48 hours in advance**

Thank you for trusting Fur Out Pet Care for all of your furry-4legged-friends needs!

    • Dog Walking & House Visits


    • Weekend & Extended Hours (Walks & House Visits)


    • HOLIDAY RATE - dog walking & housevisits
