Thanks so much for booking a session with me! If you looked at my calendar and my current openings don't work with your schedule, contact me via my site, and we'll find a time that works for both of us. You can always just email me at

If you're booking an astrology reading or Erotic Energy Mapping session, or want to discuss astrology in a sex coaching session, please send me your birth information: exact time (if available), location, and date of birth. If you are going from memory or your parents' recollection, it's always a good idea to try and cross-reference with a birth certificate. If not, try to get as close as you can, but let me know if you're not sure. If you book a sex coaching session or an Erotic Energy Mapping session, I will also send you a sexual history intake form to fill out before we meet.

If you prefer, please feel free to send me a brief note about your reasons for booking -- are you currently going through a crisis? Are you hoping to augment ongoing therapy? Are you struggling with repeated patterns, blocks, or relationship issues? You can bring anything that's on your mind or in your heart to our session -- my practice is trauma-informed, and your safety and comfort is my priority.

Much love and light,


    • Astrology Consultation: natal

      1 hour @ $200.00

      This session focuses on the natal or birth chart, including a personality analysis using a mix of psychological, archetypal, and traditional astrology methods.

    • Astrology Consultation: transits

      1 hour @ $200.00

      This session focuses on transits, analyzing how the orbiting planets interact with your natal chart across time, and how this can influence your life. We can look at current, past, or future transits, and specific dates for planning eve ...

    • Erotic Energy Mapping: a sexual astrology consultation

      1 hour 30 minutes @ $250.00

      Erotic Energy Mapping is a unique hybrid of clinical sexology and astrology in which the erotic energy of the natal chart is explored in detail. We examine desire, sexual attraction, kink, sexual inhibitions or blocks, attachment styles ...

    • Erotic Energy Mapping for Couples: a sexual astrology consultation

      1 hour 30 minutes @ $300.00

      Erotic Energy Mapping is a unique hybrid of clinical sexology and astrology in which the erotic energy of the natal chart is explored in detail. In the couple's consultation, we use synastry and composite analysis to examine desire, sex ...

    • Sex Coaching/Clinical Sexology Session

      1 hour @ $200.00

    • 1 month of LUNAR TUNING -- 2 sessions

      1 hour @ $400.00

      One session for the New Moon and one session for the Full Moon, focused on goal-setting, integration, ritual and sexual wellness. We book the first session using my calendar software, and then figure out an ongoing schedule for our work ...

    • 3 months of LUNAR TUNING-6 sessions for $1100

      1 hour @ $1,100.00

      2 sessions per month, one for the New Moon and one for the Full Moon, focused on goal-setting, integration, ritual and sexual wellness. This package includes 6 sessions -- you save 100 dollars by booking 3 months in advance rather than ...

    • 6 months of LUNAR TUNING -12 sessions for $2200

      1 hour @ $2,200.00

      2 sessions per month, one for the New Moon, and one for the Full Moon, focusing on goal-setting, integration, ritual, and sexual wellness. This package includes 12 sessions. You save $200 by booking for 6 months at a time. We book the f ...

    • 1 YEAR of LUNAR TUNING-24 sessions for $4000

      1 hour @ $4,000.00

      One session for the New Moon and one session for the Full Moon per month, focusing on goal-setting, integration, ritual, and sexual wellness. This price includes 24 sessions. You save $500 by booking a year in advance. We book the firs ...