Astrology Jyotish
- Natal Birth Chart Reading
1 hour 30 minutes @ $198.00
Ryan will read your complete Vedic natal birth chart, via zoom or phone,placing the most focus on where the planets were at the time of your birth. Areas of life, exored can include work, school, children, health, love, money, home lif ...
- Jyotish Transit Reading
1 hour @ $140.00
Transit After you have had your natal chart read, follow up readings can provide continued insight. Having a yearly follow up reading can provide a great deal of helpful information about changing astrological influences. This is a one ...
- Relationship Compatability Reading
1 hour @ $200.00
I don't do it in the traditional way. As you can imagine because of modern times the traditional compatibility readings focused on dowry aren't as helpful. I look at the strengths of the relationship to accentuate them. I also look at w ...
- Initial Ayurvedic Consultations
1 hour @ $190.00
This initial meeting over zoom takes about 60 minutes, with a 45 minute follow up included that will be scheduled once you book your initial appointment. All subsequent follow up appointments after the 45 minute follow up are 1 hour.
- Ayurvedic Follow-up Visits
1 hour @ $122.00
These visits are typically one hour and are used as a “check in”, to assess the progress of your health after Ayurvedic treatments and lifestyle changes have been applied. Ryan will provide support, guidance, and new recommendations tow ...
- Natal Chart Reading and Ayurvedic Consult package
1 hour 30 minutes @ $320.00
Natal Chart Reading and Ayurvedic Consult package This package combines both an Initial Ayurvedic Consult and a full Natal Chart Reading (done at separate times). With a combined value of $330, you save $50. ** Please email us to set t ...
Gift Certificates & Packages
- Ayurvedic Follow up Consultation Package of 5
This is for 5, 1 hour Ayurvedic follow up consultations via zoom that provides a savings of $31. Follow up consultations must be booked within a 6 month time frame, no exceptions please.
- Ayurvedic Initial Intake consultation and Jyotish natal reading Package
Natal Chart Reading and Ayurvedic Consult package This package combines both an Initial Ayurvedic Consult and a full Natal Chart Reading (done at separate times). With a combined value of $330, you save $50. Fee: $320
- Jyotish Natal Chart Reading
Give the unique gift of an Astrology reading in the tradition of Jyotish, the ancient science from the Vedas. This is a 90 minute reading for the client that walks them through their birth astrological sidereal chart. It can give great support and insight for the client to better know themselves, their strengths, and how to work with more challenging aspects revealed in their chart.
- Jyotish transit reading
- Student Mentor package
package of 4, 90 minute private mentorship consultations